Reclaiming Your Inner Power

A SomaSoundHypno™ Virtual Workshop

Sunday, May 19

11AM-12:30p.m. MT

Venue: Zoom Online

Cost: $30

Join me in this powerful 90 minute Virtual Workshop where we will dive deep into the topic “Reclaiming Your Inner Power.” In the first half of this workshop, we will explore how past and current experiences influence the way we perceive and utilize our personal power in our lives and in our relationships today. We’ll examine the connection between the suppression of our inner power and the impact it has on our bodymind system and discuss practical ways we can come back to our center and use our inner power to create a more authentic expression of Self and heighten our well being. In the second half of this workshop, I will lead you into hypnosis, a powerful and relaxing experience. During hypnosis, you will be empowered to recalibrate your bodymind and reclaim your innate strength to help you release old stories and energetic blocks and ultimately feel more grounded and confident in bringing forward your life force energy. Don't miss this opportunity to reconnect to your inner power and unlock dormant aspects of your light. I like to keep my workshops small. Seats are limited. Register via the link to save your seat in class TODAY!

Spring + Summer Virtual Workshops:

Heart to Heart Hypnosis Series

  • Reclaiming Your Power


    Sunday, May 19

    @ 11:00am - 12:30pm MT


    Join me in this powerful 90 minute Virtual Workshop where we will dive deep into the topic “Reclaiming Your Inner Power.” We will explore how past and current experiences influence the way we perceive and utilize our personal power in our lives and in our relationships today. We’ll examine the connection between the suppression of our inner power and the impact it has on our bodymind system and discuss practical ways we can come back to our center and use our inner power to create a more authentic expression of Self and heighten our well being. In the second half of this workshop, I will lead you into hypnosis, a powerful and relaxing experience. In hypnosis, you will be empowered to recalibrate your bodymind and reclaim your innate strength to help you release old stories and energetic blocks and ultimately feel grounded and confident in yourself and your capabilities.

  • Lessons on Betrayal


    Tuesday, June 11

    @ 11:00am - 12:30pm MT


    Join me in this 90 minute Virtual Workshop, "Lessons on Betrayal," where we'll uncover the profound teachings hidden within betrayals. Learn to honor your boundaries, enhance self-worth and grant yourself permission to reassess connections. I’ll guide you into hypnosis to help you redistribute the energetic imbalance from the relationships where you've unknowingly relinquished your inner light and learn to embrace the profound love that emanates from within your heart, irrespective of external circumstances. Feel into your own inner light to heal.

  • Healing a Broken Heart


    Sunday, July 21, 2024

    @ 11:00am - 12:30pm MT


    Join me in this 90 minute Virtual Workshop, "Healing a Broken Heart," where we'll delve into the emotional landscapes that influence our overall well-being as it relates to the energy we carry and process when healing a broken heart. Through the transformative healing modality of hypnosis, I will guide you to release the weight of past/current heartbreaks and cultivate new beliefs and emotional states to nurture yourself in the present moment. Discover how to reconnect to your inner wisdom and harness healing energy that paves the way for a heart full of resilience and love.